What Can Suprtool Do That Query Can't Do?

Query is a data base inquiry facility supplied with the IMAGE database on the HP e3000. It works only with IMAGE data. Query has two primary purposes: it is a report writer, and it is a data manipulation tool.

Suprtool works with many different data sources, not only IMAGE. Suprtool has one primary purpose: to extract data into files. Suprtool's Dbedit utililty can be used for data entry and manipulation.

Here is a comparison of features in Query versus Suprtool, created by Mike Shumko and Paul Gobes of Robelle:

Query=Q Suprtool=S

Q S Ability to list data to screen or printer
Q S Normal IMAGE access speed

S Multi-record No-Buf high speed access
Q S Ability to link data from multiple datasets

S Ability to read non-IMAGE files

S Ability to create non-IMAGE files

S Ability to prepare data for other applications, platforms

S Ability to redefine data items

S String Handling: Uppercase/Lower/Trim/Concatenation

S Listredo stack saveable as a Use file
Q S Ability to limit search to a set number (numrecs)

S Ability to select records by record number range

S Ability to hold the database open when program suspends

S Datehandling routines : relative dates ($today(+3), $date(*/*-3/*)

S Datehandling routines : conversion to standard ccyymmdd format

S Datehandling routines : conversion to astromomical 'Julian Date' day number

S Datehandling routines : supports 28 different date types

S Datehandling routines : supports Powerhouse, ASK, Oracle, SRN, EDS datetypes

S Datehandling routines : arithmetic date manipulation

S Multiple commands per line

S Built in calculator with Decimal, Octal, Hex , Double Interger formats

S Redo and Do commands support range list
Q S Record retreival based on single key value

S Record retreival based on file of key values

S Ability to designate implied decimal places

S Ability to designate date format type
Q S Key retreival by B-trees and Third Party Indexing

S Ability to define Image subfields

S Ability to define fields either by absolute or relative position

S Ability to define new fields of various data formats for extraction

S Ability to create an archive file while deleting dataset records
Q S Ability to group records by control break

S Ability to isolate only the 'duplicate' records of a control break

S Ability to suspend program on exit

S Ability to extract fields via rangelist

S Ability to assign a constant value to an extracted field

S Ability to assign a calculated value based on other fields to an extracted field

S Ability to convert the datatype of an extracted field

S Ability to extract character constants e.g. ^27 = escape
Q S Ability to extract using arithmetic operations

S Ability to extract numerics using Absolute and Truncate functions

S Ability to specify if positive signed fields remained signed or become neutral

S Ability to extract by bit

S Ability to extract and convert between EBCDIC and ASCII values
Q S Ability to view the structure of the base, sets, items, etc. (e.g. Form)

S Dataset Form includes Bit Offsets, Highwater Mark, Record Length, Chain Masterset name.

S Database Form includes Load Factor and Dataset number
Q S Ability to select data in a dataset

S Ability to select data using caseless searching

S Ability to select data using patterns

S Ability to select data from a file of selection values

S Ability to retrieve via random selection e.g. every 10th record

S Ability to select data based on defined fields (as well as existing Image fields

S Ability to select data based on character constants e.g. ^27 = escape

S Ability to select data based on bit extracts e.g. if field.(4:2) = 3

S Ability to select numeric data using decimal values e.g. = 25.75

S Ability to select data based on other fields e.g. if sales-tax = item-price

S Ability to select data based on arithmetic expressions e.g. if a = b + c
Q S Ability to select data based on pattern matching

S Ability to used 'Y2K date windowing' for 6 digit dates

S Ability to select only invalid dates

S Ability to read MPE flat files

S Ability to equate MPE flat files with Image datasets to use fieldnames

S Ability to read MPE files using a record number range

S Ability to retrieve MPE file records via random selection e.g. every 5th record

S Ability to read input data directly from the terminal ($stdinx)

S Ability to read or write temporary or permanent files

S Ability to read input from Magnetic Tape media
Q S Ability to sort by Image database field

S Ability to sort by defined field or by explicit byte position in the record

S Ability to list records in Octal, Hexadecimal or Decimal

S Ability to list records to printer and specify PCL options e.g. landscape mode

S Ability to list records specifiing double-sided printing
Q S Ability to create simple reports
Ability to create complex reports
Titles, headings, groupings, footings
Q S Edit masks ($, commas, CR, signs, zero suppression)
Q P Totals, subtotals, grand totals, counts, averages
Q S Ability to select records based on a maximum number of records

S Ability to select records based on a percentage of available records

S Ability to append selected records to existing output files

S Ability to read Allbase database

S Ability to redirect extracted data to printers or tape media

S Ability to extract Image record numbers along with data
Q S Ability to create self-describing file

S Ability to read self-describing file

S Ability to save decimal, date format, compounding item fields in self-describing files

S Ability to create ASK format select files

S Ability to create output files which convert binary and packed data into ASCII values

S Ability to create output files which convert binary and packed data into DISPLAY values (leading zeroes)

S Ability to create output files which convert data into PRN format (comma delimted, quoted: Windows csv)
Q S Ability to add records to a dataset manually one at a time
Q S Ability to add, delete, modify individual records in database

S Ability to add multiple records to a dataset from an MPE file

S Ability to modify REDO commands using either HP or Qedit modify commands

S Ability to specify a cutoff year for Y2K date windowing

S Ability to specify DBCONTROL deferred-output mode for PUTs and DELETEs

S Ability to specify where HELPfiles are stored

S Hint subsystem for training new users

S Ability to disable access to MPE commands while running program

S Ability to run program in READONLY mode before user specifies DBOPEN mode

S Ability to specify Robelle Prefetch buffer size

S Ability to see progress messages, specifying % increments and minimum numbers

S Ability to honour DBUTIL 'subsystem' access values.

S Ability to support HPVariables

S Ability to select records based on values stored in an MPE file

S Ability to append TOTAL values to extracted output files

S Ability to update critical items

S Ability to nest USEFILES (proceedure files) up to 10 levels deep

S Ability to generate Export files with specific date handling (format, separator, error handling)

S Ability to generate Export files with '.' or ',' as the decimal indicator

S Ability to generate Export files and specify Comma, Space, Tab or string as the delimiter

S Ability to generate Export files and specify floating point format

S Ability to generate Export files with fieldnames or headings in the first record

S Ability to generate Export files with embedded HTML code

S Ability to generate Export files with single, double or no quotes

S Ability to generate Export files with leading, trailing, floating or no signs

S Ability to generate Export files with or without trailing spaces

S Ability to generate Export files with or without leading zeros

S Ability to specify which fields to prompt for when adding dataset records

S Ability to list all related detail database records for a given master record

S Ability to delete all related detail database records for a given master record

S Ability to change key value of all related detail database records for a given master record
Q S Ability to generate compound record files from multiple datasets

S Ability to append selected records into existing Powerhouse subfiles

S Addition of 3GL routines for calling Suprtool's fast access routines from user programs

S Addition of Robelle's HOWMESSY program to analyse database performance health

Can you think of any more? Send them to us at support@robelle.com and we can add them to this page.

paul.gobes@robelle.com and mike.shumko@robelle.com

Dump Image Records in Hex and Character Mode

Recently, Chris Goodey of Egghead posted on 3000-L one reason why you need Suprtool even though you have Query:

From time to time I run into applications that use a character string to hold multiple values, perhaps a key made up from both an integer and text string, since Image doesn't provide for concatentated keys. Another common thing is to find a big buffer of like X100 filled with all sorts of binary data (packed decimal, integer, etc.) Sometimes the format of the data is dependent on a record type, which is easy enough to code in Cobol, but a real pain for use with ODBC, etc.

Since Cobol can redefine anything, you may find code that moves in something like an integer account number, followed by a text field, all to a big field, then adds that to the data base. It would certainly have been better to convert the integer to character and made an all character key, but even this has problems of its own.

If you have Suprtool, you can dump Image records in hex and character mode, much like Fcopy. If you use Image and don't have Suprtool, you really, really should get it. I have decided I won't work anyplace that doesn't have Suprtool, as it makes life so difficult. Robelle continues to set the standard in performance and support, and all this with very reasonable pricing, too!

Anytime I suspect anything funny with a data base record, the first thing I do is dump it with Suprtool, and take a look at the data. In the standard Suprtool dump, non-printing characters are replaced by a period, so if I see any unexpected periods, I also dump it in hex and char, and see what is really going on.


Chris could also have mentioned that Suprtool can redefine Image fields in the same way that Cobol does, allowing you to select and extract on the sub-fields that Query cannot "see". The article on MICE explains this in more detail.

January 8, 2001