Thursday, July 1 is a public holiday in Canada. The
admin/sales office will be closed, but will be open on
Friday, July 2. Technical support
and R&D will still be open on the holiday.
This month we interview Paul Edwards who has been an HP 3000 contributor for almost as long as I can remember. Paul writes:
"Last year was terrible for consultants. No work at all in the HP 3000 community. I'm doing more this year so far than all of last year. My work so far this year has been Wireless Internet Installations, PC support, and RAID array installations at HP 3000 homesteading sites." Click the link above to read the full
interview and learn lots about RAID on the 3000.
Useful web site for file conversion, including text to PDF, CSV to FIXED, etc.
Lots of online tools, mostly conversion, but also determination of file type and more. Link found in the Taurus newsletter.
Can't remember the hex code for circumflex? Or need it in Decimal or
Octal or HTML? Use this web site (the link is from the Taurus newsletter.
Suprtool/UX 4.8 has a new feature for Eloquence called Set Fastread On.
This enables a special serial access method which is 3 to 5 times
faster. Unfortunately, we have discovered a problem. When Set Fastread
is On, the Chain command (which doesn't use fastread), does not return
the correct records. This is corrected in
Suprtool/UX 4.8.01, which has become the current production version.
Suprtool for MPE is not affected.

Printed Manuals for Robelle Products
Order your own personal Qedit or Suprtool manual to hold, mark up and dog ear.
A useful service from Robelle: you can order on-line the latest manuals for MPE/iX and for HP-UX.
These professionally bound manuals will be printed immediately upon your request and billed to your credit card (via a service called
The Qedit manuals are $25 US and the Suprtool manuals are $30 US.
Note: if you are happy with a PDF file or
HTML-Help version, these are still free to download.
HP 3000 Long Term Storage and Maintenance Service
If you are migrating off the HP 3000, you might want (or be required to) maintain access to old data in the original format.
Beechglen will maintain your 3000 system at their data center, providing you
access to the system via secure Internet (VPN) access.
Your organization will still have access to the historical data, but you won't need to maintain a staff of knowledgeable MPE resources,
HP 3000 Resource: ROC Software Tools
Here is the web page for Maestro (job scheduling),
BackPack (backup utility),
SpoolMate (spool file management),
Escalibro (share tape autochanger),
Formation (business forms) and
TapesPlus (tape library). And here is
the FAQ.
One of Our New Ads
Here is one of our new ads that we are running in The 3000 Newswire, almost the only venue left for HP 3000 users.
Archived News and Tips...
HP 3000 Book
HP 3000 Evolution:
Edited by
Bob Green of Robelle, from articles written by Robelle,
by The 3000 Newswire, and by other
experts in the HP 3000 field.
This 300-page book contains the latest information on three important
HP 3000 Tune Up
Migrating a 3000 application.
An essential reference for every desk!
Order your copy on-line for US$25.